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Master Program in Law (JICA-LL.M.)
Please read all sections very carefully before applying for this program. All inquiries to individual professors should be sent via the Admission Office (admission@law.kyushu-u.ac.jp). Unfortunately, direct inquiries to professors cannot be answered.
1 Overview
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) supports several programs. For further information, please contact the local JICA office in your home country.
The research interests of faculty members involved in the LL.M. program are available here.
The JDS LL.M. Program
The JDS LL.M. Program (the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid (JDS) (former Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)) (人材育成奨学計画) is a Master's course in law taught entirely in English to qualified individuals from selected organizations in designated recipient countries.
The JDS Program is taught on a full-time basis and takes 24 months for completion, beginning in October every year and ending in September two years later. All JDS students are expected to complete a 20-credit (approx. 2-3 courses per semester for two years) coursework curriculum and write a Master's Thesis of 70 pages. The program is fully funded by JICA (the Japan International Cooperation Agency) and aims at training highly capable young officials who will engage in implementing social and economic development plans as future leaders in their home country.
For further details on the JDS project, see here
The JLTT LL.M. Program
(JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program-Long Term Training=JLTT)
This program provides scholarships for students from certain designated countries to enroll on the LL.M. Program.
JICA's Knowledge Co-Creation Programs are a form of technical cooperation that JICA carries out in Japan. Some of the knowledge that Japanese society has accumulated, including its background in areas such as organizational know-how and social systems, can only be understood through first-hand experience. The programs are an important means of technical cooperation which supports human resource development and resolving issues in developing countries.
JICA has provided training programs as a part of technical cooperation in various fields. In order to strengthen networks between the target countries in respective fields, JICA established a new long-term training program to foster young/middle-aged bureaucrats, academicians and leading human resources in various fields of target countries who are capable of influencing policy making processes in their countries or contributing to socioeconomic development in the near future. The new program/course, “SDGs Global Leader,” was established in JFY 2019 under the framework of JICA Development Studies Program (JICA-DSP) for the purpose of promoting the cooperation of sustainable development in the world. The program/course will offer participants with special curriculums on Japanese developmental experience and internships if necessary, in addition to obtaining a Master’s or PhD. degree. The program has two objectives: (1) To develop high level human resources capable of contributing to appropriate policy decisions and its implementation for tackling political and developmental issues in respective fields. (2) To establish and maintain mid and long-term amicable relationships between target countries and Japan.
The objective of the ABE Initiative Master's Degree and Internship Program is to support young personnel who can become a "Navigator" for contributing to the development of industries in Africa. This program offers opportunities for young African men and women to study at master's courses at Japanese universities as international students and experience internships at Japanese companies. The aim is for them to develop effective skills in order for them to contribute to various fields. Beyond acquisition of skills and knowledge, this program also intends to cultivate excellent personnel who can recognize and understand the context of Japanese society and systems of Japanese companies. The expected outcome of the program is a network of potential contributors to the development of African industries who will lead Japanese businesses to engage further in economic activities in Africa.
The proper functioning of legal and judicial systems is the foundation for a society where people can live with ease of mind. At the same time, it is one of the core elements of nation-building as well as economic development. For autonomous and sustainable development of legal and judicial sector, it is crucial to have core human resources who understand laws well and are able to enforce them based on a proper legal understanding. JICA has been supporting legal and judicial human resources in target countries. Considering the growing needs for development of such human resources, JICA is now accelerating its activities in this area through collaboration with Japanese universities, aiming to help developing countries retain more trained human resources in their countries. The program has the following objectives: (1) To help improve the legal and judicial systems, which leads to the development of the society and the economy and the respect for human rights. (2) To enhance the capacity for improving legal and judicial systems through master’s course in Japanese universities, in close collaboration with Japan’s technical cooperation project for legal and judicial development.
Globalization and rapid scientific progress have brought new challenges for the field of public international law. Looking at the field of the law of the sea for instance, although the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea guide states’ behaviors and policies on various  maritime  issues,  challenges  such  as  piracy,  illegal  trafficking  of  drugs, illegal operations, conflicts over marine resources, and preservation of the marine environment still exist.  Japan  has  also  been  working  actively  in order  to  tackle  above-mentioned  issues.  For example, in the Indo-Pacific region, Japan has been advocating the vision “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”(FOIP), which aims to promote peace, stability, and prosperity across the region through ensuring rules-based international order including the rule of law, freedom of navigation and overflight, peaceful settlement of disputes, and promotion of free trade. This Program  provides  participants  with  opportunities  to  study  in  Japan  to  gain  specialized knowledge  on  public  international  law  necessary  for addressing  public  international  law affairs in accordance with the rules-based international order. The program has the following objectives: (1)To promote the target countries’ capacity to contribute to the rules-based international order. (2) To develop core human resources in the field of public international law in the target countries.
2 Program Duration
The JICA-LL.M. is taught on a full-time basis and takes 24 months for completion, beginning in October every year and ending in September two years later.
3 Program Requirements
All JICA-LL.M. students are expected to complete a 20-credit (approx. 2-3 courses per semester for two years) coursework curriculum and write a Master’s Thesis of 70 pages.
An indicative list of courses is available here.
The research interests and backgrounds of faculty members involved in teaching the JDS program are available here. For some of the above programs, however, a research proposal in any field of law is welcome and candidates may wish to consult the full faculty page here.

For extra information and advice on drafting a thesis proposal, please click here.

Am I entitled to a waiver of the TOEFL etc. language requirement?
Our normal practice is to require all applicants for whom English is a second language to submit a TOEFL test or equivalent, although if there are some special circumstances, we will consider a waiver.
If I have taken an English test other than TOEFL, what score is required?

A conversion chart is available here
*Some scholarships may be restricted from acceptable English tests.

Do I need a law degree in order to apply for the LL.M.?
A law degree is not absolutely necessary in order to be eligible to apply, however, a significant part of your undergraduate degree must have been in law.
Do you have an April entry for the LL.M.?
We only have an October entry for the LL.M. Because of the emergency situation under COVID-19, we opened the April entry for the LL.M. only in 2021 and 2022.
5 Pamphlet
The LL.M. Pamphlet can be downloaded here.
6 Contact Details & Inquiries
Inquiries regarding this program should be addressed to the JICA Office of the prospective applicant's home country. This information is available here:
7 Privacy Policy
Before applying, please read carefully the Privacy Policy for International Students Applying for Admission at Kyushu University available at:
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International Programs in Law,
Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, 819-0395 Fukuoka
Fax +81-(0)92-802-5407
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